Medical Courier Technologies: 15 IT Questions Labs Should Ask

While most labs put a lot of focus on the price and ease of use of an automated courier system, they sometimes gloss over what may be required from an IT perspective. However, not completely understanding IT and system requirements prior to the purchase of a solution can be a costly mistake for your lab.

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Why Smartphones Aren’t a Good Choice for Medical Courier Workflows

Many medical laboratories look for every opportunity to save on costs, and that makes sense. Who wants to spend more if you can avoid it and do better on your bottom line? However, when it comes to running mobile applications for specimen tracking, courier management and lab outreach, going cheap on your mobile hardware costs can be an unbelievably expensive mistake.

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Medical Courier Operations – Every Outreach Lab and Hospital is Unique

When it comes to medical courier operations, MCE understands that outreach labs and hospitals do things as different as the samples they collect. All labs and hospitals have their own special requirements for routing, specimen collection/transportation, supply deliveries, and management in general. Truly, no two systems are alike.

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Lab Outreach Courier Management: An Easy Automated Solution

When we think of real-time delivery tracking with maximum efficiency, most of us think of big e-commerce and parcel delivery companies that bring goods to our doorstep. But medical courier pickups and deliveries are even more important because the speed and accuracy of transporting specimens can be the difference between saving a life and a catastrophic delay or medical error.

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The Evolution of MCE

In preparation for the roll-out of MCE 3.0 (which includes improved screen layouts and other functionalities) in 2021, we thought it would be interesting for outreach medical labs to understand how MCE came to be and what can be expected in MCE 3.0. Today, MCE has matured into the nation’s premier specimen tracking and courier management system for outreach medical laboratories and hospitals.

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Consider the Legal Implications of Lost Specimens

Not all lost or mixed-up specimens will result in medical malpractice suits, but the ones that do can be costly. This SVMIC article goes on give real world scenarios to explain what types of lab malpractice suits lead to a monetary loss.

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The 4 C’s of Successful Lab Outreach

If you run an outreach lab, you are well acquainted with the fact that you need reliable courier services to deliver specimens, samples, and supplies. To be successful, your lab outreach courier program needs the four C’s: collection, communication, consistency, and competence.

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Let Us Know How We Can Help

Thanks for your interest in Medical Courier Elite! If you're interested in learning more about our solution and how it can help your business, we'd be happy to schedule a demo, provide a quote or answer any questions you may have.

181 East Evans St. | Florence, SC, 29506
Phone: 843-656-2084 or 877-331-7427