New MCE Feature: Map Dispatching
A day in the life of a lab courier is much more than specimen transport. Although the top priority for a courier is to provide outstanding service and care when conducting pick-ups and drop-offs of specimens, they are also responsible for strict chain of custody, and additional delivery-service duties throughout their day.
With that in mind, one of the main goals of MCE is to make courier management more efficient and courier productivity easier to maximize for labs. Our customers provide valuable feedback about how we can help them achieve those goals, and we take every comment and request very seriously. Your input allows us to keep delivering features that help you drive down costs, increase profitability and provide outstanding customer service. Based on customer feedback, here is the newest features in MCE to help improve courier management:
MCE New Feature: Map Dispatching
GPS Mapping Makes it Easy
Previously in MCE, when a dispatch was generated, the dispatch manager would need to leave the dispatch screen, view the courier management screen, locate where all couriers were in their respective routes, and determine which courier would be assigned the dispatch. Now, when a dispatch is created a visual map is provided directly on the dispatch screen to make courier selection faster.
Within dispatch, once the pick-up location is entered, a map will display with pins marking the exact location of the dispatch, along with the current location of all couriers in the field. With this information at hand, dispatchers can more easily select the courier who is in closest proximity to the dispatch location so the pick-up can be made on time and without compromising the schedule of other couriers.
As before, once the dispatch is entered and the courier is selected, the chosen courier will receive an alert on their mobile device (like the Honeywell CT40 shown) and will be required to accept the dispatch within 15 minutes (or your customized time). The process for will calls or time-sensitive dispatches is so simple that if a dispatcher is out of the office most any other user could easily fill in and create the dispatch themselves.
Try out this newest feature in MCE and let us know what you think!
Other Recently Implemented Features You Should Check-out in MCE
Dynamic Routing for Phlebotomists
Customer Generated Dispatching
COMING SOON! Start-of-Day/End-of-Day Tracking
There are a number of items that managers need to track in order to accurately plan and manage costs and budget. MCE’s Start-of-Day feature will allow them to do this in a more automated way, so they are not spending tons of time manually calculating or estimating expenses and courier time in the field. Features of this application include:
- Mileage Tracking – Tracking the starting and ending mileage for each vehicle is important in managing expenses and budget planning.
- Customizable To-Do List – An online ‘check sheet’ helps couriers keep track of daily errands such as bank runs, mail pick up and other related tasks that don’t involve specimens.
- Equipment Tracking – Any barcoded items used by couriers throughout the day, such as gas cards or other equipment carried by couriers, can be scanned and tracked at the beginning and end of day. You can even include equipment that is being picked up by the courier. The benefit of equipment tracking makes it easier to know where items are, who is using them and how they are being used.
Both of these features are designed to keep courier productivity high and minimize the amount of time administrators and managers have to spend managing routes and tracking specimens. To learn more about these features or to make a suggestion for the next ‘new feature’ for MCE, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Let Us Know How We Can Help
Thanks for your interest in Medical Courier Elite! If you're interested in learning more about our solution and how it can help your business, we'd be happy to schedule a demo, provide a quote or answer any questions you may have.
181 East Evans St. | Florence, SC, 29506
Phone: 843-656-2084 or 877-331-7427