4 Features you may not know about MCE
If you’re already familiar with Medical Courier Elite (MCE), you know that it’s chock full of productivity enhancing features and functionality to streamline operations to make the work day more efficient for couriers, dispatchers and administrators alike. If you’re just getting acquainted with MCE, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the number of ways you can improve accuracy and eliminate the annoyance of tracking down lost specimens.
Today we’d like to share 4 features that reside within MCE that we think are incredibly effective for users. From optimizing courier routes to creating greater visibility with valuable reporting options, we’re sure you’ll be able to take advantage of all these modules:
Route Assignments:
Managers must assign routes to couriers every day. When this module is turned on, lab managers can assign one or more routes to each courier, and each courier can only see their own routes. For managers, this makes it much easier to track courier success. For couriers, it ensures that every route is completed. Route assignments also come in handy when courier routes need to be re-assigned if the originally assigned courier is on vacation, sick, etc. Giving the manager the ability to easily distribute that day’s routes to other available couriers.
If this feature is not activated, then couriers will see all the routes for that day, for all the couriers on duty. This can create confusion during a busy day, particularly if there are drop-in routes or other interruptions that can throw a courier off their game.
Route assignment is also great from a worker empowerment stand point because couriers will know exactly which routes they are responsible for, and managers can more easily keep track of courier stops throughout the day.
Dispatch Reconciliation:
This module allows a dispatch to be added after courier routes have already been assigned. This could be used for previously unscheduled stops, or if a mediator is running a route for a unique stop and does not have access to MCE (a cab driver, or other courier substitute).
Reconcile dispatch allows managers to include all routes in the system, even last-minute or drop-in requests throughout the day. This keeps the system accurate and couriers accountable.
Client Portal:
This value-added feature offers lab clients the convenience of requesting specimen pick-ups, pulling reports for their location, and looking up status of dispatches.
The ease of using the client portal allows customers to quickly access information for a dispatch where they may otherwise have to wait minutes or even hours to get a response called or emailed the request.
The client portal feature is desirable because it improves the overall customer experience, saves clients time and allows labs to dramatically reduce response time on requests for situations like:
- Requesting a specimen pick-up
- Pulling reports for client sites
- Looking up the status of a dispatch
Customizable Spreadsheet Builder for Reporting:
Managers and dispatchers have different priorities, so it seems only logical to customize the reporting module. This gives administrators an opportunity to pull only the data they need – and nothing they don’t.
Creating a report is simple:
- Create a report name for your template
- Drag and drop columns you’d like to see on your spreadsheet
- Place columns in the order you want to see them when spreadsheet is generated
- Adjust the width of each column by clicking the pencil icon
Voila! Your report is complete. The ability to quickly and easily create reports, even for users who may not be computer-savvy, builds user confidence and allows for greater visibility into the day-to-day operations.
For more information about each of these MCE modules, or to speak to an MCE specialist about additional ways to maximize the value of MCE for your lab, please contact us.
Let Us Know How We Can Help
Thanks for your interest in Medical Courier Elite! If you're interested in learning more about our solution and how it can help your business, we'd be happy to schedule a demo, provide a quote or answer any questions you may have.
181 East Evans St. | Florence, SC, 29506
Phone: 843-656-2084 or 877-331-7427