3 Ways Labs Can Succeed with Automatic Data Collection
An investment in technology may seem like a hit to the budget but consider the advantages it can bring to your operations. From team productivity and faster transaction times, to the elimination of lost specimens and greater accountability, it’s a project worth pursuing. Not to mention the fact that our customers experience an extremely favorable ROI (return on investment) that occurs in a matter of months, not years.
The value of barcode technology
There is a lot of focus on certain technologies that can dramatically improve operational processes. One such technology is barcode automation. As it relates to courier applications, our customers are not only looking for route optimization tools, but they are interested in being able to create accountability for their employees and improve tracking of specimens. With manual processes, track and trace is extremely difficult to perform effectively because it’s often based on memory recall and assumptions.
If you’ve ever had to have a specimen collected more than once because the lab lost track of the first one, then you probably already understand the value that an automated solution can have on the overall process. When barcode tracking is implemented, there’s a very specific method being followed that ensures the accuracy and performance and makes both parties accountable. From a traceability standpoint, a barcoded specimen package can be tracked anywhere in the process, and at any time during or after the transaction is completed. This dramatically improves the outcome of an event vs. a manual process where the specimen may never be recovered.
Performance throughout the process
There is high value placed on performance, particularly in a healthcare application like specimen collection. Because the materials being tracked belong to a patient, a unique priority is placed on that material. Unlike a shipment of lettuce, a patient could be negatively impacted if their specimen is lost in the process. Here are three ways automation can help your lab succeed:
- A handheld, mobile computer that can scan a barcode label at each point in the process gives the courier and the lab peace of mind. Deploying a mobile device not only creates a method of accountability, but it simplifies daily operations for the courier. One device manages the route from a geographical standpoint, provides information on the scheduled stops, and acts as a barcode scanner to track and record events of the day.
- Incorporating a solution like MCE takes your specimen collection application to a new level. The data being collected through the barcoding process becomes useful information throughout every aspect of the operation; this translates into more informed planning, reporting and decision making.
- Greater operational efficiency is the result of the improvements barcode technology can bring. Automating the specimen collection process not only affects the courier, it permeates throughout the lab and can lead to labor savings, reduced errors, improved profitability and a higher rate of customer satisfaction.
Further benefits of modern, automated technology include features like MCE’s dashboard, which collects operational metrics. Customers who utilize the dashboard are better equipped to plan and make improvements where identified by the reporting data. Because MCE operates as a cloud-based solution (desktop version is available as well), you get on-demand access; this improves operational tasks day-to-day in the lab, regardless of where admins are located, which improves management capabilities, increases productivity and makes clients happier.
For more information, please contact us to schedule a demonstration of MCE and see for yourself how valuable it can be for you and your lab.
Let Us Know How We Can Help
Thanks for your interest in Medical Courier Elite! If you're interested in learning more about our solution and how it can help your business, we'd be happy to schedule a demo, provide a quote or answer any questions you may have.
181 East Evans St. | Florence, SC, 29506
Phone: 843-656-2084 or 877-331-7427